Registration has opened for our next Sutta Study Course on the Numerical Discourses of the Buddha!


Class period will be from December 2017 – October 2018.
We will meet monthly but skip the months of February and May.

Great News! Special guest teacher, Bhikkhu Bodhi, will lead the discussion session in Menlo Park on Wednesday March 28!

The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha (Anguttara Nikaya) is a remarkably comprehensive collection of discourses from the Pali Canon. Structured according to numbers and lists, this collection includes a full spectrum of dhamma themes that are both relevant to daily life and lead to liberation. Numbered sequences organize this collection. For example, in the Book of The Fours we find many teachings enumerated in four parts: 4 kinds of … four foundations for … four ways to … four types of persons who … four stages of … four factors that support … etc. The numerical structure provides a handy memory aid and teaching device. The numerical structure organizes a brilliant collection teaching that span a wide range of themes into logical and accessible groupings.

This study group meets 9 times during the year to discuss and contemplate this important Buddhist text. Check our events calendar for specific dates. With nearly two thousand pages of wisdom at our fingertips, we will cover a only a selection of the book during the year. The remainder of the book was or will be covered in previous or subsequent courses. Newcomers are welcome to join at the beginning of any year. You do not need to attend the first year in order to join subsequent courses.

Friday mornings in Palo Alto, 10:00-12:00
3942 Duncan Place, Palo Alto, CA 94036
Dates will be listed on the events calendar.

Wednesday evenings in Sharon Heights area of Menlo Park, 7:00-9:00
Dates will be listed on the events calendar.

Mondays online, 5:30 Pacific Time
Dates will be listed on the events calendar.


The class uses The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha, A Translation of the Anguttara Nikaya by Bhikkhu Bodhi (ISBN: 978-1-61429-040-7) as our text. You will probably need the hard copy of the book; in past classes students have found e-book versions to be slow and difficult to nagivate. You may purchase the book through Wisdom Publications, your local bookstore, or on-line book sellers. Shaila usually has copies available for purchase; please ask her if she has copies on hand.

On-line Group

For the benefit of distant friends, IMSB is offering an online group which will meet using audio conferencing software over the web. The online group is intended to serve students who live out of the area or are unable to attend a local meeting.

For More Information

For information about course content or registration, please contact suttastudy.

For general information about our sutta study program, history of past topics, testimonials, resources, and plans for future courses visit our Sutta Study Courses page.

Co-Sponsored by Bodhi-Retreats and Insight Meditation South Bay

Registration, Fees, and Dana

The non-refundable registration fee is based on a sliding scale of $470 – $170. The Basic Rate at the low end of the sliding scale covers administrative expenses and is not tax deductible. Donations above the base rate will be considered voluntary tax deductible Teacher Dana contributions. In January of the following year, the treasurer will mail a letter acknowledging all donations made in the preceding year for your tax records.

Our teacher relies upon the generosity of students. Local participants may prefer to give teacher dana in person, so baskets for teacher dana will be available at each local event. We offer the sliding scale as a convenience for our online participants and for anyone who prefers to contribute to teacher dana at the time of registration.

Please register online by purchasing a ticket on the Ticket feature below. The ticketing process will give you the option of paying by credit card, Pay Pal, or by mailing a check. Registration will open August 15, 2017. If you are viewing this page prior to August 15, the ticketing options may not have appeared, so please check back later to register. You may wish to join our mailing list to receive a notification when registration has opened.

To register, choose one of the ticketing options below.


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