Since IMSB’s inception, we have continued the Buddhist monastic tradition of offering teachings on a dana basis. Dana is the Pali word for generosity, giving, or donation. Our teachers are not paid wages to teach at IMSB. Instead, they rely upon the donations of students for support. It takes courage and faith for meditation teachers to dedicate their lives to the dhamma and trust that their material needs will be met through this practice of dana—a system of compensation that is generally unfamiliar in our culture.
Our primary teacher, Shaila Catherine, is a full time dhamma teacher who relies upon dana for her livelihood. She freely offers teachings, provides meditation instruction, develops our program and curriculum, serves on committees, oversees projects with volunteers, and nurtures the development of our members and organization in myriad ways. Leading IMSB events is only a small fraction of the work that our primary teacher actually does to support the development of this community—it is a full time job without an ordinary salary!
Your contributions help Shaila as our primary teacher, and the many visiting teachers we host, to lead a life devoted to teaching—to cover their normal living expenses, and ensure that their teachings are continuously enriched through on-going study and practice.
How to offer teacher dana:
Donations for teacher support can be made through the same routes as any other donation to Insight Meditation South Bay—simply designate the gift as “Teacher Dana” in the memo or designation field.
Donation bowls are available at every IMSB event. Donations by cash or check are welcome.
Our Donate Now page offers many ways to give online.