There is no set fee for the group meditation and for most of our events, such as daylongs, discussion groups, and beginner’s courses. We follow the custom of giving donations/offerings (dana) to support the organization and our teachers. Generosity is a fundamental aspect of our community; it is the voluntary offering of gifts and effort that support our activities.
We use an online registration system with a sliding scale range of fee options for some series classes. These registration fees help to establish a commitment for longer programs and cover administrative costs. Fees are charged for retreats to cover the rental of the retreat facility, food, insurance, and other administrative costs.
IMSB and our teachers rely upon the voluntary donations of members and participants. Two bowls are set out at each event for donations: one is marked for the teacher, the other for organizational expenses. You may also donate online or by mail (IMSB, PO Box 490, Menlo Park, CA 94026). We do not suggest a particular amount; we ask that each participant practice generosity in a way that is appropriate for the individual, supports our community and teachers, and cultivates the joyful practice of giving.