Key to Course Levels
Some people have asked about the “level” of our courses, intending to take courses that match their own level of experience. Truthfully, it is difficult to strictly designate course material for beginners, intermediate practitioners, or advanced practitioners. And it may not even be very helpful.
Why? Most importantly, because mindfulness, concentration, and insight gradually deepen with practice. Basic meditation skills continue to be strengthened and refined as our practice develops, and advanced practitioners continue to benefit from reviewing the basics. Furthermore, some beginners are ready to dive into the deep end – which we encourage if you are so motivated. Classes are enriched by having participants with varying levels of experience with both practice and study.
Nonetheless, we have indicated a level for each course, which you may make use of as you wish. But unless specific prerequisites are noted, the courses are open to everyone.
Level 1 – INTRODUCTORY Level 1 courses will introduce basic meditation skills and fundamental Buddhist concepts. More guidance is provided during meditations. No previous experience with meditation or knowledge of Buddhist teachings is expected.
Level 2 – ESTABLISHING Level 2 courses are designed to support and enrich the practice of both beginning and intermediate meditators.
Level 3 – DEEPENING Level 3 courses are geared for people who want to deepen their meditative experience and expand their understanding of the Buddha’s teachings.
Level 4 – DEDICATED Level 4 courses are designed to challenge people who already have an established meditation practice and attend retreats.