Past Events › Open for Registration

Sutta Study Courses 2015

Registration for the Numerical Discourses of the Buddha will close with classes in February. We are offering three groups at different times and days to serve both our local community and distant friends. Click here for details.

Online – Obstacles to Concentration: Registration March 1- April 27


Overcoming Obstacles to Concentration March 1 - April 27: Registration period May 3 - July 27: Course includes 6 content modules in ten-day sections, plus welcome and wrap up modules. Meditation practice cultivates inner peace, clarity, concentration and joy. In order to experience these lovely qualities, we must overcome the challenges of agitation, dullness, obsessive thinking, [...]

Sliding Scale.

Online – Beautiful Mind – Today is the last day to register!


The Beautiful Mind: Cultivating the Five Faculties Registration period: July 17 – September 13. Course: September 18 – November 29. Course includes 6 content modules in approximately ten-day sections, plus welcome and wrap up modules. The cultivation of five faculties – faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom – produce a healthy and beautiful mind. These faculties offer [...]

Sliding Scale.

Walking the Path 2015 – Six-month program

Walking the Path 2015 Investigation and Mindfulness A six-month program with Shaila Catherine Saturday, September 19, 2015 - Saturday, February 20, 2016 9:30 am - 6:00 pm Nourish the resolve to deepen your spiritual practice! WALKING THE PATH is a six-month program designed to intensify your personal meditative path and integrate dhamma wisdom in everyday [...]


Residential Retreat—Santa Rosa, CA

Angela Retreat Center 535 Angela Dr., Santa Rosa, CA, United States

Registration Ends Sunday October 25! Mindfulness, Concentration, and Insight Meditation. A 10-day meditation retreat with Shaila Catherine and Ann Dillon. Thursday, November 5, 2015 - Sunday, November 15, 2015. The retreat begins with registration at 1:00 pm on Thursday, November 5; it ends at 11:30 am on Sunday, November 15. Early arrivals can be arranged [...]

10-Year Anniversary Celebration

St. Timothy's Episcopal Church 2094 Grant Road , Mountain View, United States

Ten years of awakening in Silicon Valley - come celebrate with us! For ten years, Insight Meditation South Bay (IMSB) has provided instruction in contemplative practices that develop clarity, joy, and inner peace. Please join us as we celebrate our tenth anniversary on Tuesday, January 12, 2016. The celebration will be held in Edwards Hall [...]

By Donation.

Introduction to Mindfulness Course – Tuesday mornings in San Jose-Saratoga

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Registration has opened for a 5 week Introduction to Mindfulness Course in San Jose/Saratoga co-taught by Shaila Catherine and Sharon Allen. February 23 — Why Meditate?: The power of mindfulness with breathing March 1 — Cultivating Presence: Mindfulness of the body March 8 — Emotional Presence: Mindfulness of mental states March 15 — Settling the Restless Mind: Mindfulness of [...]

2016 Sutta Study Groups begin soon!

Registration has opened for our 9-month sutta study group in 2016, studying the Numerical Discourses of the Buddha. Discussion groups will take place at three locations and times. Monday evenings online Friday mornings in Palo Alto, CA Wednesday evenings in Menlo Park, CA For information and registration details visit the Sutta Study Course 2016 page. For the [...]

Online – Jhana Factors, Focused Mind


Register now for this online course with Shaila Catherine! Jhana Factors and the Focused Mind July 17 - September 20, 2016 - Registration period September 28 - December 7, 2016 - Course dates Visit Bodhi Courses for details and registration information. Our online program is co-sponsored by Bodhi Courses and Insight Meditation South Bay.

Walking the Path 2016-2017 – six month program

Walking the Path 2017 Perspectives on the Experience of Awakening A six-month program with Shaila Catherine Saturday, September 24, 2016 - Saturday, February 11, 2017 9:30 am - 6:00 pm Nourish the resolve to deepen your spiritual practice! WALKING THE PATH is a six-month program designed to intensify your personal meditative path and integrate dhamma wisdom [...]

Online Course – The Liberating Practice of Metta (Loving Kindness)


Registration has opened for this online classroom experience with Shaila Catherine. Registration period: November 1, 2016 - January 10, 2017 Course period: January 15- March 19, 2017 Visit Bodhi Courses for details and registration:

Four Week Course with Shaila Catherine – Mindfulness in the Buddhist Tradition – (Satipatthana)

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Registration has opened for a 4 week course Thursday evenings in Saratoga, CA. The focus is on Mindfulness in the Buddhist Tradition and what is called in the ancient Pali language: "Satipatthana" practice. Visit the Event Page for information and registration details:    

Register for Sutta Study 2017 Discussion Groups

Registration has opened for our 9-month sutta study group that starts in January 2017. We'll be studying the Numerical Discourses of the Buddha. Registration opens September 1, 2016 Courses begin January 2017 Registration closes with the February 2017 meetings Discussion groups will take place at three locations and times. Monday evenings online Friday mornings in Palo Alto, CA [...]

Register Now! The Art of Happiness: Loving Kindness Course in San Jose/Saratoga

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Registration has opened for a 6 week course on cultivating Loving Kindness/Metta Meditation with Shaila Catherine and guest teachers. Course starts April 20. Register now! Visit the Events Page for more information and registration details:

Registration has opened for a Course on Wisdom with Kim Allen and Diana Clark

Registration has opened for a 6 week course on The Buddha's Teachings on Wisdom. with Kim Allen and Diana Clark Register now! Course starts July 27. Visit the Events Page for more information and registration details:

Register for the Dhamma of Aging. A 6-week course led by Robert Cusick.

Registration has opened for a 6 week course on The Dhamma of Aging. with Robert Cusick Registration is required! Course starts September 14. Visit the Events Page for more information and registration details:

Online Course – Satipatthana: Mindfulness of the Body – Registration closes Oct 15 so register now!


Satipatthana: Mindfulness of the Body An Online Course with Shaila Catherine Now through October 15: Registration period October 22 - December 17, 2017: Course includes 6 content modules in ten-day sections, plus welcome and wrap up modules. REGISTER NOW! Exciting Announcement: Bhikkhu Analayo will offer a special guest teacher appearance along with a question and answer [...]

Register for 10-week Thursday Class in Saratoga: Buddhism and Social Harmony

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Click here to jump to the registration page with the ticketing options. A ten-week sutta study discussion course led by Shaila Catherine and Sharon Allen In this course we will study Bhikkhu Bodhi's powerful collection of discourses from the Pali Canon that address issues relevant to our times: communication, anger, conflict resolution, friendship, social equity, and interpersonal [...]

De-Stress In December! Register now for a 5-week course on mindfulness meditation practices.

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

De-Stress in December! A 5-week course on mindfulness meditation practices — to create peace in the holiday season and beyond. For information and registration details, click here to visit our course page.

Register now for the next Sutta Study Course! Offering online and local groups.

The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha (Anguttara Nikaya) A nine month study and discussion group led by Shaila Catherine Our next sutta study course will begin in December 2017 and run for 9 monthly sessions concluding in October 2018. There are local groups Friday mornings and Wednesday evenings, and an online group Monday evenings. This [...]

Mindfulness In the World: A 6 week Thursday evening meditation course

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Mindfulness In The World A Practice-Based Course led by Sharon Allen, Jill Shepherd, Jennifer Dungan, and Bill Kostura. January 25 - March 1, 2018 Life in the world can be stressful – but you can do something about it. This six-week course will emphasize teachings and practices from Buddhism that can make the difference between [...]

Register to attend a course in Mindful Speech

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Mindful Speech a 6-week course led by Shaila Catherine, Sharon Allen, and Chris Clifford For information and registration details, click here to visit our course page.

Online Course – Satipatthana: Mindfulness of Mind – Registration closes May 31. Register now!


Satipatthana: Mindfulness of Mind An Online Course with Shaila Catherine Registration is open now through May 31. Course runs June 7 - August 15. REGISTER NOW! The course will include recorded lectures, reading assignments, sutta study, guided meditations, discussion forums, and optional audio conferences with Shaila Catherine. The core text will be Perspectives on Satipatthāna [...]

Untangling Self – A new Thursday course. Register Now!

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Register Now for a new course: Untangling Self

Joy On Demand! A new Thursday evening course. Register Now!

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Register now for JOY ON DEMAND, a new 6-week course in Saratoga. Led by Shaila Catherine, Sharon Allen, and Chade-Meng Tan, our special guest speaker and author of the book titled Joy On Demand. For more information and online registration:

Liberating the Mind and Heart – A Retreat Developing Compassion and Joy – near Pescadero, CA – with Shaila Catherine

Redwood Glen Retreat Center 100 Wright Drive, Loma Mar, CA

Liberating Mind and Heart: A weeklong retreat on Cultivating Loving-Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity with Shaila Catherine Monday, September 17, 2018 – Sunday September 23, 2018. Partial attendance can be arranged for the first 3 or 4 nights. DON'T WAIT! Registration closes August 31.  LOVING KINDNESS is a profound quality of friendliness toward all of [...]

Online Course – Focused and Fearless: Deepening Your Concentration – Registration closes Oct 17. Register now!


Focused and Fearless: Deepening Your Concentration An Online Course with Shaila Catherine Registration Period: July 1 to October 17, 2018 Course Dates: October 20 to December 15, 2018 REGISTER NOW! The course will include recorded lectures, reading assignments, sutta study, guided meditations, discussion forums, and optional audio conferences with Shaila Catherine. The core text will [...]

Buddhist Fundamentals – A new Thursday evening course. Register Now!

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Register now for Buddhist Fundamentals, a new 6-week course in Saratoga. Led by Shaila Catherine, Sharon Allen, and Chris Clifford. For more information and online registration:

Register for Online Class – Overcoming Obstacles to Concentration


An Online Course with Shaila Catherine Registration Period: Now until February 11. Course Dates: February 16 - April 20, 2019 REGISTER NOW! The course will include recorded lectures, reading assignments, sutta study, guided meditations, discussion forums, and optional audio conferences with Shaila Catherine. The core text will be Focused and Fearless by Shaila Catherine. This [...]

Pain & Freedom – A new Thursday evening course. Register Now!

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Register now for Pain & Freedom, a new 6-week course in Saratoga. Led by Shaila Catherine, Sharon Allen and Janetti Marotta. For more information and online registration: ‎  

DEVELOP HAPPINESS! – A new Thursday evening course. Register Now!

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Register now for The Development Of Happiness, a new 6-week course in Saratoga. A practical approach to training in happiness. Led by Kimberly Allen. For more information and online registration:

Work Skillfully with Anger – Learning to Let Go – A new Thursday Course – Register Now!

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Register now for this new 6-week workshop on letting go: Working Skillfully with Anger. Led by Shaila Catherine and Sharon Allen For more information and online registration click here:

Deep States of Samadhi – A dialog with Ajahn Brahm and Shaila Catherine

The Deep States of Samadhi A dialog with Ajahn Brahm and Shaila Catherine Moderated by Daniel Aitken This discussion will feature in the schedule of the 11th Global Conference on Buddhism, in Berkeley, CA. Sunday, June 30, 2019. 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Registration is required. Conference tickets are available with flexible pricing. You may use the [...]

Focused and Fearless – A new Thursday evening course. Register Now!

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Register now for Focused and Fearless, a new 6-week course in Saratoga on Deepening Concentration. Led by Shaila Catherine and Sharon Allen. For more information and online registration:

Mindfulness Meditation – A new Thursday evening course. Register Now!

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Register now for Mindfulness Meditation, a new 6-week course in Saratoga. Led by Shaila Catherine, Janetti Marotta, and Aishin Leonard. For more information and online registration:

Let Go! – A new Thursday evening course in Saratoga. Register Now!

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA, United States

Register now for Let Go! A 6-week course led by Shaila Catherine, Dawn Neal, Chris Clifford, Ying Chen, Kim Allen, and Janetti Marotta For more information and online registration:

Study the Long Discourses of the Buddha in 2020. Register now for our monthly Sutta Study.

REGISTER NOW! Long Discourses of the Buddha (Digha Nikaya) with Shaila Catherine Our nine month Sutta Study Course on the Digha Nikaya will run for 9 months beginning in early 2020. We meet in three locations to serve the local and online community: Friday mornings in Palo Alto Wednesday evenings in Menlo Park Monday evenings online The online [...]

Satipatthana. Register now for an advanced ONLINE mindfulness course.


Satipatthana: Mindfulness for Experienced Meditators An 8-week ONLINE course led by Shaila Catherine and Sharon Allen Register Now! Registration will be open for only one week to offer an online meditation course in the face of the coronavirus response. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your meditation practice at home. Register before March 25! For [...]

Online Retreat – Joy, Equanimity and Feelings


Register now for a retreat in the comfort of your own home! May 15-17. For more information and registration click here.

Famous Buddhist Similes. A new ONLINE course. Introduction to sutta study. Register now!


Learning Through Examples: Images, Illustrations, and Similes in the Discourses of the Buddha Register Now! An ONLINE 6-week course on Thursday evenings with Shaila Catherine and Sharon Allen For more information and registration details:

ONLINE RETREAT. Register Now! Mirror of Mindfulness: Knowing Your Own Mind


Mirror of Mindfulness: Knowing Your Own Mind An at-home online weekend retreat led by Shaila Catherine Register now for a retreat in the comfort of your own home! July 17-19, 2020 For more information and registration click here.  

Concentration, Jhana, and Breath: 10-night Retreat in Georgia

Ignatius House 6700 Riverside Drive NW, Atlanta, GA, United States

This retreat is open for registration. We currently have 17 participants registered, and can accept up to 4 more participants. This will be a very special retreat—a rare opportunity to practice with seclusion and intimacy. Please review the preventative measures taken by the center, and read our new guidelines: Guidelines for Retreat Practice in the Covid-19 Era Teachings on [...]

In-depth ONLINE COURSE. Learn to Overcome Distracting Thoughts.


Beyond Distraction: Practical Strategies to Free The Mind. An in-depth two month online program with Shaila Catherine Co-sponsored by Bodhi Courses and Insight Meditation South Bay For more information and registration details click here.  

ONLINE at-home weekend retreat. Four Elements. Mindfulness of the Body


Register Now for an ONLINE at-home weekend retreat with Shaila Catherine. Exploring Mindfulness of the Body and the Four Elements. October 23 - 25, 2020 We will meet via Zoom. Information and registration details are on our Events Page.  

NEW COURSE: Emptiness in Buddhist Practice


Registration is now closed. Emptiness in Buddhist Practice An 8-week course led by Shaila Catherine Mondays Online via Zoom December 7, 14, 21, January 4, 11, February 1, 8, 15 4:30 – 6:00 PM Pacific Time Since the County of Santa Clara has been moved into the Purple Tier (Tier One), we will no longer [...]

Register Now! for ONLINE Retreat – Experiencing Insight


Register for an ONLINE at-home weekend retreat with Shaila Catherine Experiencing Insight April 9-11, 2021 We will meet via Zoom. Information and registration details are on our Events Page. Registration will close by April 6.

Cultivating the Jhana Factors – Register now for this 2-month ONLINE course


Strengthen your concentration. Cultivate the Jhana Factors! Registration has opened for this online classroom experience led by Shaila Catherine. Registration period: now through April 27 Course period: April 28 – June 19, 2021 For information and registration: Co-sponsored by IMSB and Bodhi Courses

Register Now for an ONLINE weekend retreat – Deepening Concentration


Register for an ONLINE at-home weekend retreat with Shaila Catherine Deepening Concentration September 17-19, 2021 We will meet via Zoom. Information and registration details are on our Events Page. Registration ends by September 14.  

Register now for a sutta study course — online and in-person options — Timeless Wisdom — Reflecting on Similes


Timeless Wisdom: Exploring the Buddha's Teachings Through Similes and Stories Join Shaila Catherine for a fun and beautiful approach to dhamma study. This sutta study course uses the abundant images, examples, and similes from the discourses to illuminate the Buddha's teachings. It is designed primarily as an online  course, but local participants (who are vaccinated [...]



Cultivating Happiness & Joy A Weekend ONLINE Meditation Retreat with Shaila Catherine March 25 – 27, 2022 This at-home online  weekend retreat will explore the place of profound happiness in Buddhist practice. Although Buddhism is reputed to emphasize teachings on suffering, the path is infused from beginning to end with contentment and joy. This program [...]

$225.00 – $625.00

ONLINE RETREAT: Mindfulness of Death


Mindfulness of Death An Online Weekend Retreat via Zoom With Shaila Catherine Assisted by Peter Gilmore and Neil Stegall May 20 ­– 22, 2022 Registration is required. Scroll down to choose a ticket level. Registration will close three days prior to the retreat, so don’t wait to the last minute! “Mindfulness of death, when developed [...]

$225.00 – $625.00

Beyond Distraction: 10-night Retreat in Georgia

Ignatius House 6700 Riverside Drive NW, Atlanta, GA, United States

Participants in this retreat must be vaccinated to prevent COVID-19. We have held retreats at this center in 2020 and 2021. We consider this site to be well designed for seclusion, and the staff diligent in their efforts to lower the risk of infection. Please review the preventative measures taken by the center, and read our guidelines: Guidelines for [...]

Register Now to join the ONLINE COURSE: Beyond Distraction


Beyond Distraction: Practical Strategies to Free the Mind An in-depth 3-month online program with Shaila Catherine Co-sponsored by Bodhi Courses and Insight Meditation South Bay For more information and registration details click here.

ONLINE RETREAT: Awakening Factors


Registration ends at 2PM today. Nourishing Seven Factors of Awakening A Weekend ONLINE AT-HOME Meditation Retreat with Shaila Catherine January 13 – 15, 2023 This at-home online  weekend retreat will nourish seven qualities that prepare the mind for awakening: mindfulness, investigation, energy, joy, tranquility, concentration, and equanimity. These Seven Awakening Factors mature into a bright, balanced, [...]

$225.00 – $625.00

Retreat in California: Body, Impermanence, and Death

Redwood Glen Retreat Center 100 Wright Drive, Loma Mar, CA

Liberating Meditations on the Body, Impermanence, and Death A 10-day meditation retreat with Shaila Catherine Tuesday, May 9 – Friday May 19, 2023 at Redwood Glen, 100 Wright Drive, Loma Mar, CA 94021 “Mindfulness of death, when developed and cultivated, is of great fruit and benefit, culminating in the deathless, having the deathless as its consummation.” [...]

Retreat in Georgia: Concentration, Jhana, and the Breath

Calvin Center 13550 Woolsey Road, Hampton, GA

Concentration, Jhana, and the Breath A 10-day meditation retreat with Shaila Catherine Monday, October 23 – Thursday November 2, 2023 at Calvin Center, 13550 Woolsey Road, Hampton, GA 30228 (near Atlanta, GA) The retreat begins with registration from 2:30 – 4:00 pm on Monday, October 23. The retreat ends with lunch on Thursday,  November 2. Partial [...]



Living Without Enemies A Weekend ONLINE AT-HOME Sutta Study Retreat with Shaila Catherine June 28 – 30, 2024 The Buddha said, "The world may quarrel with me, but I do not quarrel with the world." How can we live our lives without hate—without making anyone into an enemy? This program will use both sutta study [...]

$260.00 – $700.00

Retreat in Georgia | Insights into Emptiness

Calvin Center 13550 Woolsey Road, Hampton, GA

Insights into Emptiness: Meditations on the Six Senses A 10-day meditation retreat with Shaila Catherine November 7 – 17, 2024 at Calvin Center, 13550 Woolsey Road, Hampton, GA 30228 (near Atlanta, GA) The retreat begins with registration from 2:30 – 4:00 pm on Nov 7. The retreat ends around noon, before lunch on November 17. [...]

Spiritual Experience & Aspiration: Bold Talk On Awakening


A Weekend ONLINE AT-HOME Retreat with Shaila Catherine January 24 – 26, 2025 Do you aspire for awakening? Do you ponder spiritual experiences that have occurred in your practice? This program will provide an opportunity for meditation practice along with frank and bold discussions on themes of awakening, and spiritual aspirations, experiences, or meditative attainments. [...]

$260.00 – $700.00


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